We get it. We know you may have many questions about any church before you check it out. You can find the answer to many of your questions on the pages of this website, as well as through the FAQ's below. For any other questions, feel free to reach out to us by clicking the "Contact Us" button.
Yes! We are proud and grateful to be part of a family of churches around the world called Every Nation Churches and Ministries. Every Nation exists to honor God by establishing Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, socially responsible churches and campus ministries in Every Nation. The three main focuses of Every Nation's mission are... church planting, world missions, and campus ministry. As a local Every Nation church, we do our best to fulfill this mission in our local context. To learn more about Every Nation check out www.everynation.org
Yes! For high school and middle school teens. Our great college students, young singles, and dedicated parents form a team of committed youth volunteers who really care about the teens and who do all they can to connect with them, have fun with them, and teach them God's Word in a way that makes them hungry for more. On Sunday mornings we have a youth "breakout session" during the sermon where one of our volunteers goes through the teaching directly with the teens and gives them an opportunity to ask questions as they fellowship and have fun. We also include the youth in our small groups during the week. Learn more about our Youth MInistry here.
Yes! We have a complete children's church program called "Children's Ministry" or "Kids' Church." This is essentially a Sunday School during the main church gathering. It begins after the opening musical portion of service, at which time the kids are dismissed. Your kids are not required to attend, but may find it more engaging and helpful than sitting through the main service. It is designed for the following three age groups: 0-2 years old, 3-4 years old, and 5-11 years old. These age groups can be flexible though, based on the needs of the child. Learn more about our Children's Church Sunday School here.
Of course not! Giving is a time to worship God with the finances He has blessed us with. Each Sunday Service, we take up an offering to receive money from members which helps further the mission of All People Christian Church. Members give in many different ways, including cash, check, online, and more. Some give every week, some every month, and some in other ways. If you are a guest, you are not expected to give, yet you are always welcome to. Your presence at the Service is your greatest gift!
Good question! We are a contemporary Christian church, with contemporary worship music, relevant sermon topics, and a "come as you are" environment. The attire is anywhere from casual to dressy casual. Our worship style and sermons are relevant and relateable, but our beliefs are Biblically-faithful and traditional. To learn more about our Sunday Services see the Sunday Service tab, and to learn more about our beliefs see our Tenets of Faith tab or our Theological Distinctives pages.
Of course! As our name implies we welcome and value ALL people, of every background and belief, yet with the understanding that all of us are broken and with the hope that ALL of us will grow to be more like Christ in every way. None of us comes to God as "perfect," which is why we ALL need a Savior (Jesus Christ). This Savior is also our Lord, and He desires to change everything about our beliefs, behaviors, and hearts that do not align with His will and with His truth. This is why teach God's Word without compromise, while doing so in the most loving manner possible as we strive to meet people where they are at. To learn more about our Biblical approach to important cultural and church issues we all face, feel free to check out our Theological Distinctives. In summary, we believe that God loves and values "all people," so we invite everyone who is willing to join this journey of transformation with us!
It is also important to note that people who come to local churches with selfish agendas and/or divisive spirits are not going to find a place in the church unless they are willing to repent of their selfish/divisive behaviors, work towards building harmony and unity with love, and be part of a spiritual family under spiritual leaders rather than insisting on their own way. Sometimes people do these things unintenionally, but in either case a person may be warned and then ultimately unwelcomed if they are not willing to repent and change. (Romans 16:17-18, Titus 3:9-11, Matthew 18:15-20, Hebrews 13:17)
The short answer is yes! Scripture is filled with passages revealing God's heart for the poor, oppressed, foreigner, orphans and widows. For starters, our primary responsibility is to help those in need within our church membership body. While we may not be able to always help everyone, we must reserve our first level of care with those who are regular, committed members of our church family. For if we can't help those within our spiritual family, how can we effectively help those outside our family?
Yet, we believe all Christ followers, everywhere, have a mandate to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and seek to help the oppressed in our cities. This is why we partner with a number of local ministries in our city, which you can find by clicking here. We also refer people in need to Nevada 211, which is able to direct them to a wide variety of great resources to help with a wide variety of practical and immediate needs. Lastly, we do simple things as a local church, such as preparing and distributing hygiene packets for our members to give the homeless throughout Reno. God loves the poor and oppressed, and calls his children to be his hands and feet, by serving those in need. This includes advocating for those who have little or no voice in society.
We also believe, however, that mercy ministries and acts of social justice by themselves, are not the Gospel. Humanity's core brokenness is primarily spiritual, not physical. We must treat the core root of the problem, not just put on a bandage. So while we strive to encourage one another, through our sermons, teaching, and practices to alleviate pain, poverty, and suffering in the Reno area, we must also follow God's right order: it is the Gospel that saves, not good works. Social justice must be holistic. The greatest social justice act is sharing the life-giving message of the Gospel, which is Jesus; who exchanged his perfect life, for our sinful life, to pay for our sin and brokenness, and give us new life, restoring a broken relationship with our creator, and fellow human. And then we live out that new life of grace, through giving to the poor, and caring for the oppressed and voiceless.
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