Our Mission:
To win and make disciples of All People.
Our Vision:
To be a church OF All People, THROUGH All People, TO All People.
We are passionately committed to reaching those who do not know God, no matter
what their background is, by engaging
them with the love of God and
the truth of the gospel.
Romans 10:14-15 | Mark 16:15
John 3:16 | Luke 19:10
2 Corinthians 9:15 | 2 Timothy 4:2-5
Acts 1:8, 17:22-31 | 1 Peter 3:15
We are committed to establishing every believer in sound doctrine and an
understanding of how to live
and witness for Christ.
2 Timothy 2:2 | 1 Corinthians 11:1
Matthew 28:18-20, 14:19-22, 13:1-23
Romans 12:1-2 | Colossians 1:10, 2:6-7
John 8:31, 15:8, 18-19 | Luke 14:25-33
Because Jesus is our Lord, not just our Savior, He should be the center of our lives and the focus of all our priorities, goals, decisions, and activities.
Galatians 2:20 | 2 Corinthians 5:17, 13:5
Romans 6:5-6 1:10, 5:19-23
Luke 9:23 | 1 John 2:6, 15:16 |
James 1:22-25, 2:17-18
We believe that every Christian, including the next generation, is to be equipped and empowered for the work of ministry
through training in evangelism, discipleship, and service.
Ephesians 4:11-16 | Matthew 4: 19
2 Timothy 2:2 | Jeremiah 1:7-8
1 Timothy 4:12 | Luke 10:1-3
Acts 1:8, 2:17-18
The New Testament believer is called and empowered to walk in the full, supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, while always
being grounded, guided, and guarded
by the Word of God.
Matthew 22:29 | Mark 16: 17-18
John 14:12 | 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Psalms 119:11 | Ephesians 3:20, 4:14
1 Corinthians 1:18-19, 2:4, 4:20
God has created and desires to redeem all people, bringing every group together in unity, and for His church to be a reflection
of that goal.
Genesis 12:1-3, 1:27 | Revelation 7:9
Matthew 28:19 | Galatians 3:28
1 Corinthians 12:12-14 | Ephesians 2:14
Leviticus 19:33-34 | Colossians 3:10-11
We serve a relational, covenant God who desires for us to be in relationship with
Him and with each other. As such, we
recognize the importance of being in committed, versus disposable, relationships with one another.
Acts 2:42-47, 4:32 | John 17:21-23
1 Corinthians 1:10 | Malachi 2:14
1 Samuel 18:3, 20:14-17
Philippians 2:2-3, 14 | Colossians 3:13-14
Engage ➡ Establish ➡ Equip ➡ Empower
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