Join us on Sundays, at 11:00am, for our in-person Service or through one of our online viewing options (info below).
We have coffee, tea and refreshments starting at 10:30am in our welcome lounge. Here, you can meet our leaders and volunteers as well as learn more about All People Christian Church.
If you're not able to join us in person, you can still join us online via Zoom by contacting us directly for the login information, or by watching us live through Facebook Live (at "All People Christian Church") or on our YouTube channel (@allpeoplechurch) each Sunday at 11:00am.
We have a wonderful children's church during the main service with trained volunteers. And there is easy access for parents to check-in on their kids through our windowed kids rooms, if needed, while still enjoying the Sunday worship gathering right next door.
This is a completely private, sound-proof, and comfortable lounge we have for our nursing mothers and babies to relax, nurse, change diapers, and play with toys as the Worship Service is live-streamed on a screen for easy viewing.
In this room, we welcome babies through toddlers in our fun, interactive and Jesus-focused program of Bible stories, toys, and interactive play. Small children and their parents are also welcome to use this room during the musical portion at the beginning of service if needed.
Your elementary-age kids will enjoy friends and projects based on Biblical themes, with dedicated teachers and lots of fun! Each week the kids learn something new and memorable about the Lord and His Word, as well as get an opportunity to earn something they can take home from the "reward chest" each time!
During the sermon portion of the Service, our Youth are invited to their own room to go over a teen-oriented version of that day's teaching with one of our dedicated youth volunteers. It's an opportunity for them to connect with each other while learning God's Word in a relateable, relevant way that makes them hungry for more!
We recommend coming 15-minutes early to check your kids in and ask any questions you may have. Your kids can enjoy healthy snacks while parents are able to chat and meet our team with coffee & refreshments. After our opening worship song set, we dismiss all children and kids, and you can simply take them to the kids church rooms right next door to the worship room.
T-Mobile Building (5011 Meadowood Mall Circle, Reno, NV 89502), easy to find and conveniently located in front of the Meadowood Mall. Plenty of parking as well!
Our newly-renovated space on the bottom floor of the T-Mobile Building has become a beautiful church home for our members and guests to enjoy. We also have brand-new childrens rooms for all ages!
Just look for our signs when you arrive. We meet on the bottom floor and one of our friendly volunteers will be there to greet you when you arrive!
We get it. Forming relationships can be intimidating. We work hard to make All People Christian Church a safe, comfortable and accessible place to meet our staff, leaders, and volunteers, along with other church members, so you can simply get to know others at your own level of comfort in a friendly, welcoming environment.
We provide a comfortable and inviting lounge area to come a few minutes early, enjoy some great coffee, tea, refreshments, and snacks, as well as listen to contemporary worship music in the background. Our Pastors, Volunteer Leaders, and other Members would enjoy greeting you and getting to know you better.
Don't worry if you can sing well or not. You can simply come, participate, and enjoy worshiping God, as our dedicated and talented musical worship team leads us in celebrating His love. You only need a heart of worship, not a special singing or musical talent, so just give Him what you have!
As a church that values both God's Word and His power, we also try to make room for the Holy Spirit to move during our time of musical worship, whether it to be to pray for someone that day or for the Lord to speak a prophetic word of "exhortation, comfort, and encouragement." (1 Corinthians 14:3) And the Holy Spirit always works in a supernatural but orderly way, because He is our loving, miraculous God of order! (I Corinthians 14:33)
Our teaching style blends practical, relevant topics of everyday life, with with expository teaching from the Scriptures. We believe that the Bible should be the center of any good sermon, not just entertainment or self-help. Yet, if a good sermon is led well by the Holy Spirit, it will be practical, helpful, inspiring, and useful for everyday life.
We often preach on topics that are important in today's culture, while bringing a grounded, expository, and Biblical point-of-view that gives assurance and trust in God's care for us and the world during these rapidly changing and uncertain times. We believe the church is where people should find Biblical answers to contemporary problems!
Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
We are casual and dressy casual. Our members come from all walks of life, including college students, senior adults, and working families. Come as you are!
By no means! We are a church where "all people" are welcome to come and explore who Jesus and the Bible are. We strive to make our service both warm and welcoming to people investigating Jesus as well as long-time followers of Jesus.
We start at 11:00 am, and end by 12:30 pm. Members often go to lunch together afterwards, and oftentimes we offer planned social gatherings after for those who want to stay and fellowship with others.
Especially if you are new to the Reno area, you may be searching for "a church near me" or "Christian churches in Reno and Sparks." However, the internet can give you all kinds of responses to a search like that. While many new residents use a combination of a map search, Yelp, or asking Christian co-workers, be sure to also look throughout the website. Is the Bible prominent? Do they care about discipleship and not just attendance? We hope our website will give you enough information to decide whether or not to check out All People Christian Church.
The short answer is "yes!" We value the Biblical concept of spiritual family for "all people," and we are also committed to building up natural families of all shapes and sizes (traditional families, single-parent homes, step children and parents, etc.). We have a separate children's program during service for kids of all ages, and the kids church rooms are located right next to the Sanctuary for easy access to parents.
In this teaching, we will learn about the different parts of the Armor of God and why it's important to wear it to be spiritually ready.
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